Reset - Part 2: Acceptance and Moving Forward Together

So, the U.S. election didn't go the way I wanted, but I'm oddly feeling quite relieved. Maybe in a couple of weeks, I'll figure out why, 'cause right now, I'm clueless.
You know what? I just gotta do my thing to keep hope alive and spread love and acceptance to those around me.
Loads of us are out here in the shadows, keeping it real in the bright light of separatism, playing our role by soaking up and balancing the bright light so that all of us can shine our Rainbow colours.
We're on this amazing journey of life together, right? Sometimes, we might need to take a little step before we can take a giant leap into the arms of the whole 'live and live' thing.
Maybe the threat of self-destruction will force us to find the tools to reconstruct a firm foundation based on caring for everyone on this planet, and taking care of this beautiful Earth that gives us everything we need. Why do we keep hoarding her resources? Mother Earth has given us more than enough to go around.
I am not interested in continuing to struggling for what I already have. Since the dawning of the first day, our combined energy has found equilibrium through conflict and will persist in doing so. These conflicting energies guarantee that the Universe remains exactly as it should be. Fluid instead of frozen. Darkness and light collaborating to sustain Life.
Let's work together in the game of Life. It's time to stop cheating and start playing fair.
I'd rather live in Eden than Need. I'm ditching the drama and going for a more balanced way of looking at things.
We are a reflection of Self. It's time to truly see and accept each other for who we are. I am a reflection of you, and you are a reflection of me. Embracing the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Today, I choose to bravely live with empathy and treat others as I wish to be treated. We are the Sun of God, united in love amidst life's challenges, harmoniously coexisting and moving forward together under a blue sky.