You Are Badass! A benefit of Chakra Flow.
This post is coming to you as is. I will not take the time to edit this because the Sun is shining and I'm trying to get out there. Alright, here goes ...
On Monday of this week my anxiety levels were extremely high and the feelings were very uncomfortable. This discomfort seems to have sparked an evolution, because it’s now Thursday and I am feel very centred, just chillaxing in the Seat of my Soul, my Solar Plexus Chakra, and her sisters Earth Star (The Infrared Chakra) and Solar (Soul) Star (The Ultraviolet Chakra). The culmination of this invisible light energies culminate inside the Solar Plexus Chakra, firing a golden, bright yellow. Sitting right next to her are the Blues, Heart Chakra (Teal), Throat Chakra (True Blue), Third-Eye Chakra (Indigo Blue).
I’m realising today that the yellow and blues energy centres is where the battle for balance is played out. The lower chakras, Root and Sacral, are fiery and powerful as they are drawing most of their energy from the Earth Star Chakra. The Crown Chakra (Violet) already knows. This is where our consciousness sleeps and awakens. The more we understand what we already know in our Soul, the more we stay ‘woke.’
The struggle is between Ego (Solar Plexus) and untainted love (The Blues). The fight is whether we’re going to be true to ourselves and everyone around us by thinking before we speak (Third-Eye), making sure that when we do speak, our words are laced with pure love (Heart and Throat Chakras).
As I’m writing this, I just got curious about the ears, because the Throat Chakra represents our voice, the Third-Eye Chakra represents our insight, but what about the ears.
Well, let me tell you. There are 114 (6, the number of humans) chakra centres in and around our bodies. And there is an Ear Chakra. I say ‘an’ because even though we have two ears, this chakra operates as one, especially when we are taped in to our intuition (Third-Eye).
Okay, mind just blown. I just googled what colour represents the Ear Chakra, and it’s red-violet. What?? That sounds like magenta to me. And I’ve been really curious about this colour.
Yep, I just checked. Red-violet is Magenta. Watch this space cause I’ll be taking a deep dive into this one!
Here’s my theory about the Ear Chakra and her energy. I wonder if the multiverse is driven by sound and just possibly inaudible sound was first A big bang into a vacuum makes no sound.
Earlier this week I discovered the NASA Channel on my Firestick, and I heard some cosmic music that blew my mind. A NASA scientist and some extremely clever musicians figured out how to listen to the cosmos. Blackholes, Nebulas, Galaxies. That shit was crazy.
I mean we’ve got two ears looking like satellite dishes attached to our face. In all the darkness of space, the grave distances between the stars and planets that is just black space, vibrations and sounds would be the only way to truly experience the cosmic energy that’ all around us.
I have always seen with my ears. I gain so much more from most art when my eyes are closed. That’s when I can really understand the beauty. My satellites are always on alert. And from the day, I’m going to pay a lot more attention to my Ear Chakra.
Boy did I digress. What was I talking about before? Honey chile, this is how it is for all day, every day. Sometimes my mind needs to take several seats in the Seat of my Soul.
Evolution, right. Don’t be afraid of change. Be open to it and welcome it when you sense it happening. The transition might not feel great, but carry on being lead by your Soul. Your inner knowing.
After my anxiety filled Monday, I took some time with my inner knowing for guidance, which prompted this question: What do I really want? The answer surprised me.
As it turns out, what I really want is to do whatever I want, while doing no harm. I want to create and share my creations with you lovely peeps. I want to enjoy nature. Walk bare foot in the concrete. Read and learn. But most of all, I want to love living life, because we have been given an incredibly profound opportunity to know what it’s like to be human.
Don’t waste it by being anyone but unapologetically YOU! You are BADASS! Just one of the many benefits of Chakra Flow!
With Love and Shadow Light,
Rainbow Glo
Rainbow Glo is an Artist who uses the mediums of music, words and colour. Visit the website to learn more. And, for exclusive content join the Rainbow Expressions Club!